In an indoor or outdoor space (parc,forest... ), a steel wire horizontal net is set up at 2m 50 high minimum. the lengths of the wires are adapted to the disponible fixing points, for exemple the trees.

At certain points on the net, some other steel wires are fixed that go down vertically. To these vertical wires are attached some "hollow woods" so that they are suspended at +or- ear level when one stands nearby. hollow woods are dead and dry branches of various size.

At other points on the net (as far as possible from the hollow woods) small electric low tension motors equiped with flexible propellors are installed to exite the wires. Vibrations spread in the net and sounds come out of the hollow woods that act as resonators. Stop and go of the motors are programmed as well as speed variations.

The number of motors and hollow woods is adapted to the space.

1 :hollow wood 2 :steel wire (diameter:0,08 mm) 3 :electric low tension motors

The first version of this installation was exhibited in the parc of the Seneffe castle (Belgium) from june to november 2008 during the exhibition "Nature et sons". 10 motors and 10 hollw woods were used. The second version was in the "klankenbos in Nerpelt (Belgium) during summer 2009

Technical support: Patrick Delges-C.R.F.M.W.
